Is there a Javascript event fired when the currentSrc for the <img> tag changes?

Suppose I have a tag <img>


<img id="my_tag" src="/default.jpg" srcset="/small.jpg 500w, /medium.jpg 1000w, /large.jpg 2000w">


When I load the page, Javascript can tell me which one srcset

it is using:



How to detect when the currentSrc

event changes and fires?

To prevent the shouts of "duplicate!" I can confirm that it is not triggered in Chrome using the DOM MutationObserver here here using jQuery observe or using an event onload


var my_tag = document.getElementById("my_tag");
my_tag.onload = function(){
    console.log( "Src changed to " + my_tag.currentSrc );


I think this has to do with the fact that when used srcset

, it doesn't update the DOM when currentSrc changes.


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1 answer

You can use the 'onload' event for the image:

var my_tag = document.getElementById("my_tag");
my_tag.onload = function(){
    console.log( "Src changed to " + my_tag.currentSrc );


Related entry in Event Handling with Browser Load



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