How do I write an ipython alias that runs in python instead of a shell?

We can define alias in ipython with a magic function %alias


>>> d
NameError: name 'd' is not defined
>>> %alias d date
>>> d
Fri May 15 00:12:20 AEST 2015


This results in a shell command date

when d

typed into ipython.

But I want to define an alias to execute some python code in the current scope of the interpreter, not a shell command. Is it possible? How can we make this alias?

I work a lot in the interactive interpreter and it can save me a lot of commands that I repeat often, and it also prevents some common typos.


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1 answer

The usual way to do this is to just write a python function with def

. But if you want to use a statement alias rather than a function call, then it is actually a bit tricky.

This can be done by writing a special magic function. Here is an example, which effectively psevdoniziruet operator import

up get

in the REPL.

from IPython.core.magic_arguments import argument, magic_arguments

def magic_import(self, arg):
    code = 'import {}'.format(arg)
    print('--> {}'.format(code))

ip = get_ipython()
ip.define_magic('get', magic_import)


You can now execute statements get

that are smoothed to statements import



In [1]: get json
--> import json

In [2]: json.loads
Out[2]: <function json.loads>

In [3]: get potato
--> import potato
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<string> in <module>()

ImportError: No module named potato

In [4]: 


Of course this extends to arbitrary python code, and optional arguments are supported as well .



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