Rising_edge (clk) not synthesized

I am learning and programming VHDL for an FPGA to mimic the functionality of a 74HCT245. Below is my code.

I keep getting the instruction not synthesized as it doesn't matter in the NOT (clock-edge) state. VHDL-1242 ,

 entity HCT541 is
  port (Clk       : in    std_logic;
        A         : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "1011101010111010";
        BA        : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
        n_OE, DIR : in    std_logic;
        M_D       : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000001";
        D         : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "1011101010111010";
        BD        : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "1011101010111010");
end HCT541;

architecture df of HCT541 is
  signal n_OE_1, n_OE_2 : std_logic := '0';

  process(Clk, n_OE, DIR)

    if ((BD = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" or D = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ") and n_OE = '0') then
      BD <= "0000000000000000";
      D  <= M_D;
    end if;

    M_D <= M_D + '1';

    CLK1 : if(rising_edge(Clk)) then

      if(n_OE_1 = '0' and n_OE_2 = '0') then
        A  <= A - '1';
        BA <= A;
      end if;

      if (n_OE = '0' and DIR = '1') then
        D  <= M_D;
        BD <= D;
      elsif (n_OE = '0' and DIR = '0') then
        BD <= BD - '1';
        D  <= BD;
      elsif (n_OE = '1') then
      end if;

    end if CLK1;

  end process;

end df;


any thoughts?

Is there something wrong with boost_edge?


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2 answers

Several recommendations:

  • Draw a picture of the equipment you need. Then encode the image.
  • Hardware can only check 1 and 0. So your Z checks are problematic
  • Use only tristats only in combination processes. Otherwise, there are many surprises and mistakes.
  • Many FPGAs do not have internal tristats and therefore only support them for primary outputs.

Interpretation @ Jonathan Drole comment on "mixing combinational process with synchronous process". Think about it in terms of an exit.

Your synchronous processes ideally take the form:

SyncProc : process (Clk) is
  -- do not do logic here
  if rising_edge(Clk) then
   -- do synch stuff.  
   -- logic is ok in here
  end if ; 
  -- do not do logic here
end process SyncProc ; 


Ideally, your combination processes look like this:

CombProc : process (sig1, sig2, ...) is
  -- do logic stuff here
  -- do not do clocks here
end process CombProc ; 


Some tools will let you get away with more.



I cannot be sure as the formatting of the messages is difficult to read. You seem to be assigning BD

inside and outside the rising_edge (clk) statement , which cannot be. BD

is either a register or not.

Do not mix combinational process with synchronous process. While the VHDL standard is not technically wrong, it is error prone like the one you have. Basically, a process sensitive to clk

should not be sensitive to any other signal other than an asynchronous reset.

Divide your process into one that is sane on n_OE

and DIR

, and the other on clk

. It will be clear that you are assigning BD

in both processes that translate to multiple drivers for the signal, which is usually wrong in synthesis.



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