R% in% operator behavior for data table factors?

I cannot get the% in% operator to behave for the data table factor columns. I know I'm probably missing some secret syntax for data tables, but I can't find it ... I've searched everything.

Here's a tiny example to illustrate my pain. Surely a simple answer would be to use data frames, but I have a large dataset that benefits from some of the features of data tables.

> a <- data.table(c1=factor(c(1,2,3)))
> a
1:  1
2:  2
3:  3

> '2' %in% a[,1,with=F]

> 2 %in% a[,1,with=F]


and it works as I expect for data frames ...

> b <- data.frame(c1=factor(c(1,2,3)))
> '2' %in% b[,1]
[1] TRUE


Any help is appreciated ....


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1 answer


is a data.table, not a vector like b[,1]

. This is documented.

The data table is a list and help("%in%")

says that "lists are converted to character vectors". So my guess is this is happening (but it's hidden in the C source code match


#[1] "1:3"


You can efficiently select data.table columns with [[


'2' %in% a[[1]]
#[1] TRUE




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