Find numeric sequence of specific length in string in Ruby

I need to be able to extract a sequence of 8 digits from a given string. The sequence is not in the same place from line to line and can be any 8 digits.

Examples of strings to extract from:

"123 ABCDEF 12345678 GHIJKLMN"
"12345678 ABCD 1234 EFGHIJKL"
"123 4567 12345678"


In each of the above lines, I only need 12345678


I've already tried regex matching /\d+/

, but if 12345678

any number appears before it doesn't work.


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3 answers

You can do it with the following regex:

r = /
    (?<!\d) # negative lookbehind: cannot match a digit
    \d{8} # match 8 digits
    (?!\d) # negative lookahead: cannot match a digit

 "12345678 ABCD 1234 EFGHIJKL"[r]
   #=> "12345678"
 "x123456789 ABCD 1234 EFGHIJKL"[r]
   #=> nil




Try to indicate that you want exactly eight digits:



Edit: Add a negative look and feel and a negative look to match exactly the 8 digit sequences. Credit: @CarySwoveland.



You can do what you want in two steps:

def find8_1(string)
  index = string =~ /\d{8}/
  return index && !(string[index+8] =~ /\d/) ? string[index,8] : nil 

# Some examples
puts "Results with find8_1"
puts find8_1("123 ABCDEF 12345678 GHIJKLMN") # => "12345678" 
puts find8_1("12345678 ABCD 1234 EFGHIJKL")  # => "12345678" 
puts find8_1("123 4567 12345678")            # => "12345678" 
puts find8_1("123 4567 1234567")             # => nil 
puts find8_1("123456789")                    # => nil

def find8_2(string) 
  arr = string.scan(/\d+/) 
  return arr.find { |s| s.size == 8}

# Some examples
puts "Results with find8_2"
puts find8_2("123 ABCDEF 12345678 GHIJKLMN") # => "12345678" 
puts find8_2("12345678 ABCD 1234 EFGHIJKL")  # => "12345678" 
puts find8_2("123 4567 12345678")            # => "12345678" 
puts find8_2("123 4567 1234567")             # => nil 
puts find8_2("123456789")                    # => nil


Note for this solution, if you used

instead arr.find

, the method will return an array with the entire substring of 8 digits present in the string.

Thanks to @CarySwoveland for helping me improve my answer.



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