Restricting javax.servlet.Filter to specific url pattern

I am trying to implement a filter for a project in Adobe CQ 5.6.1. It seems nifty so that it can be used to do some, say authentication, for every page that is rendered.

I read the Filters documentation and I coded my annotations like this:

        label = "Filter implementation",
        metatype = true,
        generateComponent = true,
        generateService = true,
        order = 1,
        scope = SlingFilterScope.REQUEST
    @Property(name="service.description", value="A Filter"),
    @Property(name="sling.filter.pattern", value="/some/path")


I compiled my code and looked at the logs, but somehow it doesn't seem to be filtered for that specific path specified in the sling.filter.pattern file. I didn't seem to find many examples of how to implement this, so I'm a little in the dark about this feature. I'm pretty sure I don't want this filter to run on every URL that I load.

Any findings would be appreciated. Thank!


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1 answer

As mentioned in the comments on the question, the service property sling.filter.pattern

for filters is only supported with V2.4.0 and later versions of the package

. I've updated the docs at to mention this.



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