Show WebDriverWait timeout using selenium python

I'm interested in the time to wait until the object is available on the page. Therefore, when an item is clickable, a metric is displayed showing how long it took for the item to become active.

    WebDriverWait(self.driver,  10, poll_frequency=0.5).until( lambda d: self.submit_button)
except TimeoutException:
    assert False


Above is the code I am using to poll for an item, but I am looking for a way to get the timeout.

Any suggestions?


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1 answer

You won't get the exact time because you have a poll every N seconds and a total wait. But you can have an average approximation. This is not only for Selena purposes, but you can use import time

for example.

  • before executing the add command: start = time.time()

  • and right after the command: end = time.time()

  • then the required value would be print end - start



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