How to reset passwords in Laravel 5?

I am working on a project using Laravel 5 and I am trying to figure out how to reset passwords. I know there is already a migration for resettable passwords, but I remember there was a ReminderController in Laravel 4 that I could create, but I can't find the same thing in Laravel 5.

I'm sure Laravel 5 ships with a password reset, but I can't figure out exactly where to send the request and the method that handles sending emails?

I can find views and migrations, but can anyone help me find the controller method and route. If anyone can provide me with a tutorial, I might be able to handle this too.


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1 answer

Laravel also includes



which contains the logic needed to reset user passwords. We've even provided opinions to get you started! The views are located in



Catalog. You can change these views as you see fit.

Your user will receive an email with a link that points to

getReset method 





This method will display a password reset form and allow users to reset their passwords. After the password is reset, the user will be automatically logged into the application and redirected to / home. You can customize the location of the post-reset redirect by specifying the redirectTo property on the PasswordController:

protected $redirectTo = '/dashboard';





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