Removing / adding from memory usage of virtual collections

From what I can tell when profiling sql, it executes an sql statement to fetch all users for a group when called group.Users.Remove(user)

. Users are a virtual collection in a group, using Entity Framework 6 code first.

var usersToRemove = Context.users.Where(u=>someListOfIds.Contains(u.Id)); //might only be a few users

foreach(var group in Context.groups)
    foreach(var user in usersToRemove.Where(u=>u.groupId == group.Id)){
        group.Users.Remove(user);//group.Users might have millions of users, do all users get pulled back into memory at this point?


My question is, are all Users groups loaded into memory when deleted and an item from the collection here group.Users.Remove(user)



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do all users. Groups are loaded into memory when removed and an item from the collection is here user.Groups.Remove (group)?

Yes, I think the call group.Users

will load all users. The call context.Users

(or context.Groups

) returns IQueryable

(because Users

and Groups

are DbSets

) when it is groups.Users

supposed to be ICollection<User>

. This way (if you have lazy loading enabled, etc.), it will be populated when it is accessed.



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