Xmlstarlet remove parent elements from multiple documents recursively

You have a bunch of XML documents in separate directories, each of which looks like this:

      <data>data text</data>


I want to remove the parent element containing "motorcycle" in descendent2 in all documents. So far I have this, which works for a single document:

   xmlstarlet ed -d "//parent[descendent1/descendent2[contains(text(),'motorcycle')]]" xmldoc.xml


I tried this to recursively remove the parent element using find:

    find . -name 'xmldoc.xml' -print0 | xmlstarlet ed -d "//parent[descendent1/descendent2[contains(text(),'motorcycle')]]" xmldoc.xml


but got 'could not load external object' xmldoc.xml ''

also tried:

    find . -name "xmldoc.xml" -exec xmlstarlet ed -d "//parent[descendent1/descendent2[contains(text(),'motorcycle')]]" xmldoc.xml {} +



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1 answer

It revealed!

    find . -iname "xmldoc.xml" -exec xmlstarlet ed --inplace -d "//parent[descendent1/descendent2[contains(text(),'motorcycle')]]" {} +


-name ignore case as my documents were capitalized

// parent [descendent1 / descendent2 [contains ... you must select the entire parent element where the child contains the search string.

- the space needed to make changes to the actual documents, not to print at the terminal.

{} + is required with -exec to make changes to every document listed in the search list.

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