Random commas in my HTML

I have commas between my HTML buttons and I don't know where they come from. The div in which I create the buttons is empty before the buttons are created.

In my JavaScript, I don't have any commas that can be placed between the buttons, as you can see below.

Here's a picture:

enter image description here

I am creating buttons with JavaScript like this:

    var f = "'";
    contents[0]='<button class="btn" onclick="check('+ f + randomChar0 + f +');">' + randomChar0 + '</Button>';
    contents[1]='<button class="btn" onclick="check('+ f + randomChar1 + f +');">' + randomChar1 + '</Button>';
    contents[2]='<button class="btn" onclick="check('+ f + randomChar2 + f +');">' + randomChar2 + '</Button>';

    ranNum0 = randomize(2);
    document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = contents;


My HTML looks like this before inserting the buttons:

<div id="response" class="center-children">


And like this after entering the buttons:

<div id="response" class="center-children">
    <button class="btn" onclick="check('B');">B</button>,
    <button class="btn" onclick="check('S');">S</button>,
    <button class="btn" onclick="check('E');">E</button>


If I register the browser it looks like this:

enter image description here

I checked all my JavaScript, even tried to remove all CSS and HTML, but the commas stay there ...

Does anyone know what might be causing this?


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2 answers

The problem is that you are assigning the string value to your array .innerHTML

and the string value of the array has a comma between the elements.

To concatenate the values ​​in your array, use .join()


 document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = contents.join('');


Or better yet, don't use string manipulation to create DOM elements.



You are setting innerHTML to be an array, but it must be a string. Implicitly, .toString()

invoked on your array, which leaves commas. Try it, it [1,2,3].toString()

is evaluated as "1,2,3"




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