How can I add a script to sending mail using phpmailer?
Postcode in PHP:
$mail->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML
$mail->Subject = 'Training Program';
$mail->Body = "<html><head><script type = "."text/javascript"." "."src = "."pgm_mgmt.js"."></script>Dear<b> ".$trainername[$i].","."</b>"."<br><br>I'd like to know if you can attend the "."<b>".$trainerpgmname."</b>"." held at "."<b>".$trainercompany."</b>"." on "."<b>".$trainerdate."</b>"."<br><br>You can either accept or reject the request by clicking the Accept or Reject buttons below <br>"."<button"." "."name = ".$trainerid[$i]." "."value = ".$accept." "."onclick = accept(".$trainerid[$i].")".">Accept</button>"." "."<button"." "."name = reject".$trainerid[$i]." "."value = ".$reject.">Reject</button>";
$mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';
How do I add a script file? And also how to add "id" for the button and "onclick" for the accept and reject buttons? Please let me know how to pass values to external javascript file on button click by mail.
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