Mybatis foreach collection is a list in a map parameter
I am using mybatis version 3.2.8.
List<BuddyId> findBuddyIds(HashMap<String, Object> map);
<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="map" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select *
from seerid.buddyIds
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">
HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("idSplits", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(idSplits)));
buddyScanResult = seerIdDAO.findBuddyIds(map);
He will get the following error.
Database query error. Reason: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to set parameter
The error may exist in the file [/Users/jylee/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/services/WEB-INF/classes/com/ohinc/services/seerid /mybatis/SeerIdMapper.xml]
The error may include
Parameter setting error
SQL: select * from seerid.buddyIds where id is REGEXP '? |?
Reason: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to set parameter; unclassified SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code
[0]; Failed to set parameter; nested exception java.sql.SQLException: Could not set parameter] with root cause org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.common.query.IllegalParameterException: No '?' at this position in org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.common.query.MySQLParameterizedQuery.setParameter (
I don't know how to fix this problem.
Please help me.
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You are right, it should work. You should be able to pass a map with multiple keywords = "parameterName" and value = "parameterValue". And one of those entries in the map could be a list like you do (this map entry has a key = "idSplits" and value = yourArrayList). some ideas:
Could you please provide a definition for your BuddyIdResultMap (it must be defined in your mybatis mappings to determine which columns go to which data member and which object type is returned).
Can you verify that the "idSplits" list is not empty or has fun elements in it?
map.put ("idSplits", new ArrayList (Arrays.asList (idSplits)));
To unblock you, you can pass a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) with one data item for each parameter that needs to be passed to the configurator. And one item of data for the list. Like this:
public class BuddyDTO implements Serializable {
protected String someDataMember = null;
protected List<String> idSplits= null;
// insert getter and setters here for data members and idSplits
List<BuddyId> findBuddyIds(BuddyDTO dto);
<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="BuddyDTO" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select *
from seerid.buddyIds -- I'm guessing seerid is your schema name?
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">
BuddyDTO dto = new BuddyDTO();
dto.setIdSplits( new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(idSplits))) );
buddyScanResult = seerIdDAO.findBuddyIds(dto);
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I found this problem, maybe can solve this issue. you xml have error:
<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="map" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select *
from seerid.buddyIds
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">
you should use $ replace # in foreach.
MyBatis problem with IN <foreach clause with list inside map
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