C ++ Passing tempate typename class as function parameter

I need to pass the template class as a parameter to a function, but I can get the type name inside the function to initialize a temporary variable

the class is declared like this:

template <typename Type> class ListIndex_Linked


this implies the initialization of the class in the main and the call of the function

ListIndex_Linked<std::string> L;


and what i am trying to do

template <class list <typename Type>>
void insertion( list<Type>& L ) 
    Type& temp = L.get(0); 
        int max = L.numElem();
        for ( int i = 1, ; i < max; i++ )



but I am getting this error:

error: 'list' is not a template
void insertion( list<Type>& L )


in advance for help


source to share

3 answers

You are not announcing list

how template template parameter


template <template <typename> class list, typename Type>
void insertion( list<Type>& L ) 


Link: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/template_parameters



If insertion

should only work with ListIndex_Linked

, you can write it as a template in terms if the list template parameter is:

template <typename Type>
void insertion(ListIndex_Linked<Type>& L) 


Otherwise, you can use the template template parameters:

template<template<class> class List, class Type>
void insertion(const List<Type>& L)




Another way is to use auto

for non-mandate Type


template <typename Container>
void insertion(Container& L ) 
    auto& temp = L.get(0); 
        int max = L.numElem();
        for ( int i = 1, ; i < max; i++ )



There is also typedef

inside Container

that can help, something like

typename Container::reference temp = L.get(0); // or Container::value_type&


which requires something like:

template <typename Type>
class ListIndex_Linked
    using value_type = Type;
    using reference = Type&;
    // ...
    // Your code




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