Mybatis foreach collection is a list in a map parameter

I am using mybatis version 3.2.8.

List<BuddyId> findBuddyIds(HashMap<String, Object> map);



<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="map" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select * 
from seerid.buddyIds
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">

HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();

map.put("idSplits", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(idSplits)));

buddyScanResult = seerIdDAO.findBuddyIds(map);


He will get the following error.

Database query error. Reason: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to set parameter

The error may exist in the file [/Users/jylee/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/services/WEB-INF/classes/com/ohinc/services/seerid /mybatis/SeerIdMapper.xml]

The error may include

Parameter setting error

SQL: select * from seerid.buddyIds where id is REGEXP '? |?

Reason: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to set parameter; unclassified SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code

[0]; Failed to set parameter; nested exception java.sql.SQLException: Could not set parameter] with root cause org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.common.query.IllegalParameterException: No '?' at this position in org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.common.query.MySQLParameterizedQuery.setParameter (

I don't know how to fix this problem.

Please help me.


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2 answers

You are right, it should work. You should be able to pass a map with multiple keywords = "parameterName" and value = "parameterValue". And one of those entries in the map could be a list like you do (this map entry has a key = "idSplits" and value = yourArrayList). some ideas:

  • Could you please provide a definition for your BuddyIdResultMap (it must be defined in your mybatis mappings to determine which columns go to which data member and which object type is returned).

  • Can you verify that the "idSplits" list is not empty or has fun elements in it?

    map.put ("idSplits", new ArrayList (Arrays.asList (idSplits)));

  • To unblock you, you can pass a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) with one data item for each parameter that needs to be passed to the configurator. And one item of data for the list. Like this:

public class BuddyDTO implements Serializable {
  protected String someDataMember = null;
  protected List<String> idSplits= null;
// insert getter and setters here for data members and idSplits

List<BuddyId> findBuddyIds(BuddyDTO dto);



<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="BuddyDTO" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select * 
from seerid.buddyIds -- I'm guessing seerid is your schema name?
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">

BuddyDTO dto = new BuddyDTO();
dto.setIdSplits( new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(idSplits))) );
buddyScanResult = seerIdDAO.findBuddyIds(dto);




I found this problem, maybe can solve this issue. you xml have error:

<select id="findBuddyIds" parameterType="map" resultMap="BuddyIdResultMap">
select * 
from seerid.buddyIds
where id REGEXP
<foreach collection="idSplits" item="item" index="index" open="'" close="'" separator="|">


you should use $ replace # in foreach.

MyBatis problem with IN <foreach clause with list inside map



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