AVFoundation Adjust video recording volume
I am working on an application that has a video recording and the user can adjust the volume in it. I did it using AVFoundation. I initialized AVCaptureSession
and added, AVCaptureAudioDataOutput
and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput
both audio and video output. I am attaching a code snippet here as well.
AVCaptureSession *session = _captureSession;
if (![session.sessionPreset isEqualToString:_captureSessionPreset]) {
if ([session canSetSessionPreset:_captureSessionPreset]) {
session.sessionPreset = _captureSessionPreset;
} else {
newError = [VideoRecorder createError:@"Cannot set session preset"];
_videoOutputAdded = NO;
if (self.videoConfiguration.enabled) {
if (_videoOutput == nil) {
_videoOutput = [[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc] init];
_videoOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = NO;
[_videoOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:_sessionQueue];
if (![session.outputs containsObject:_videoOutput]) {
if ([session canAddOutput:_videoOutput]) {
[session addOutput:_videoOutput];
_videoOutputAdded = YES;
} else {
if (newError == nil) {
newError = [VideoRecorder createError:@"Cannot add videoOutput inside the session"];
else {
_videoOutputAdded = YES;
_audioOutputAdded = NO;
if (self.audioConfiguration.enabled) {
if (_audioOutput == nil) {
_audioOutput = [[AVCaptureAudioDataOutput alloc] init];
[_audioOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:_sessionQueue];
if (![session.outputs containsObject:_audioOutput]) {
if ([session canAddOutput:_audioOutput]) {
[session addOutput:_audioOutput];
_audioOutputAdded = YES;
} else {
if (newError == nil) {
newError = [VideoRecorder createError:@"Cannot add audioOutput inside the sesssion"];
} else {
_audioOutputAdded = YES;
How do I adjust the volume AVCaptureConnection
that is related to this AVCaptureSession
because it seems like it's only available for mac?
How do I adjust the recording volume while recording?
Please let me know if there is another way to implement this.
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