CodeIgniter password encryption and verification

I am using CodeIgniter and create a section of a site where users should be registered. I read about storing passwords as MD5 hashes and encrypted strings with salts, but I don't see anything about decrypting.

Is it effective / safe to encrypt password attempts the same way they were encrypted when they were saved for validation?

Is this the recommended way to store passwords in a php application or using the CodeIgniter Framework?


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6 answers

There are already auth libraries ready to go (from the box you can say), here is a link to another question similar to this one library-for-codeigniter
note: I like Tank Auth labeled groups ".



CodeIgniter uses a library called "Tank Auth": It includes the "PasswordHash.php" class:

Sample code:

require "PasswordHash.php";


$hasher = new PasswordHash(phpass_hash_strength,phpass_hash_portable);
if ($hasher->CheckPassword($password_to_check, $original_encoded_password)) {
    echo "password correct";
} else {
    echo "password incorrect";




the two comments to your answers show links to good answers to add more. If you are just into hashing, you can also use crypt . note crypt is different from mcrypt, tricked me once. An example of a crypt can be found on the laravel3 Hash class . or you can also use php pass - a library that uses OpenBSD style Blowfish based bcrypt.

Add thanks to cryptic, ircmaxell has a hashing library as well. here



Don't use md5 or base64. Sha1 is also broken. Better to use bcrypt.

You can use this library with codeigniter to check bcrypt passwords



Passwords are stored in hashed format because in most cases there is no need to recover them from the original string. The md5 function generates a unique 32-letter string that can be verified by comparing two hashes. To answer your question:

  • Yes, this is the standard way to store passwords.

  • MD5 is no longer secure, which is why most people start using php hash

with the "sha512" algorithm and salt of course.



this function can be used entirely for u ..





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