504 Timeout on startup 'yo angular-fullstack: openshift'

I'm new to OpenShift and trying to follow MEANStack example here .

When I run yo angular-fullstack:openshift myApp

I get the following error ...

Creating application 'myApp' ... Server returned an unexpected error code: 504

    ✖ { [Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c rhc app create myApp nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2.4 -s --noprompt --no-git NODE_ENV=production
      killed: false,
      code: 1,
      signal: null,
      cmd: '/bin/sh -c rhc app create myApp nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2.4 -s --noprompt --no-git NODE_ENV=production' }


Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Is there a way to increase the timeout via yoman / rhc to prevent 504 exits?



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1 answer

I got this problem multiple times and could never identify the cause. I believe this is just a network or download issue with accessing your first assembly. After removing the failed deployment app and just trying again, I was able to eventually get a successful deployment.



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