Laravel 5 migration error 1045

I am getting the following error: enter image description here

Following this guide:

I changed the .env file according to the guide, but I still get this error. Does anyone else know how to solve this? Also I am using mac with MAMP on localhost. Thank you.


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2 answers

In your file, .env

you need to set the database configuration values ​​according to your database configuration. With your current settings, you are trying to log into the database as root without a password.

You say you are using MAMP, and the default MySQL password in MAMP is root

, so yours .env

should have these database values.



Obviously, you also need to make sure there is a named database laravel


NOTE. Do not run this configuration in a production environment or in any environment where security is important. This is fine for development, but for a production server, I would recommend giving Laravel its own database user, and only granting these permissions to your database laravel




If you are using MAMP you need to add some things.

In your .env

add this.



If you changed your MAMP MySQL port, change it here too.

Then database.php

add unix_socket

and port


'mysql' => [
    'unix_socket'   => env('DB_UNIX_SOCKET', ''),
    'port'          => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),




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