Using Map Arguments in the Constructor

I have a class Student

with this constructor.

 public Student(String name, int age, Map<String, Integer> grades) {


when creating a Student object, how do I pass the Map argument in the constructor?

Something looks like something similar:

List<Student> roster = new ArrayList<>();
roster.add(new Student("Ann Droid", 145, Arrays.asList(96, 78)));


If I had this constructor:

public Student(String name, int age, List<Integer> grades) {



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5 answers

Vanilla flavor plain Java has nothing for Maps like Arrays.asList()

. Therefore, you will have to initialize Map

over several lines of code like this:

Map<String, Integer> grades = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
grades.put("English", 90);
roster.add(new Student("Ann Droid", 145, grades);


However, with Google Guava, you can do this:

Map<String, Integer> grades = ImmutableMap.of("English", 90);




This cannot be done with a single liner.

Map<String,Integer> grades = new HashMap<>();
grades.put("Math", 100);
roster.add(new Student("Ann Droid", 145, grades));




Can't build Map

in the same slot with Java <= 7 and standard JDK. (Well, you can technically with a double-bound initializer, but that is considered bad practice).

In Java 8, you can use the Stream API for this:

import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import static;

new Student("Name", 
            Stream.of(new SimpleEntry<>("MyString", 1), 
                      new SimpleEntry<>("AnotherString", 2))
                  .collect(toMap(SimpleEntry::getKey, SimpleEntry::getValue)));


You should now see this if it improves readability or not for your use case;)

Or, you can change your design to Map<String, Integer>

be represented instead of List<Grade>

each Grade

having String

one representing the course and Integer

for the Student label for that course.

And then you can use Arrays.asList


new Student("John", 
            Arrays.asList(new Grade("French", 1), new Grade("Math", 5)));


Of course, you must ensure that the ratings are unique.



You can execute the utility function yourself. It's not very safe, however, because you have to bypass the typing to (ab) use the varags parameter.

public class MapExample
    public static <K, V> Map<K, V> map(Object... objects)
        Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int n = 0; n < objects.length; n += 2)
            map.put((K)objects[n], (V)objects[n + 1]);
        return map;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println(map("AAA", 123, "BBB", 456));




You can try this option using the anonymous constructor

List<Student> roster = new ArrayList<Student>();
roster.add(new Student("Ann Droid", 145, new HashMap<String, Integer>(){{
                                         put("English", 78);
                                         put("Math", 96);


Or you can use Guava's ImmutableMap of () , but this API is limited to five pairs.

List<Student> roster = new ArrayList<>();
roster.add(new Student("Ann Droid", 145, ImmutableMap.of("English", 78, "Math", 96);




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