Cordova cannot find android build tools on windows xp

I recently installed cordova and recent android android sdk (24.1.2), and due to Iran sanctions! I am unable to load Android Build Tools in Android SDK Manager. So I downloaded it (v.22) as a zip file and extracted it to the "android-tools" directory in my "android-sdk" directory. find it and when I build my app it gives me this error message:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script 'D:\hello\platforms\android\CordovaLib\cordova.gradle' line: 64

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'android'.
> No installed build tools found. Please install the Android build tools version
 19.1.0 or higher.


pn: I added the path to the system variables to the "tools" and "platform-tools" directory.

I downloaded sdk build tools r.20

but have the same problem. and one more strange thing: Android SDK Manager

has problems with directories renderscript

and lib

that are in the directory build-tools

as shown in the pic:enter image description here


I solved it :) I created a folder named 22

in a folder build-tools

and copied all files into it and it works.


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1 answer

I realized that I had installed the latest RC build tools - 23 rc3 (in the Tools (Preview Channel) visible in the SDK GUI) and maybe the cordova.gradle build script was not accepting it because of the way its REGEX is written / created. The folder was named 23.0.0_rc3 in the $ (SDK) \ build-tools directory and the built-in tools search function was probably ignoring it. Here is the function from cordova.gradle:

String[] getAvailableBuildTools() {
    def buildToolsDir = new File(getAndroidSdkDir(), "build-tools")
        .findAll { it ==~ /[0-9.]+/ }
        .sort { a, b -> compareVersions(b, a) }


When I installed an out-of-the-box version of the build tools, it just worked fine.



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