Bash Script To Test Redirection With CURL

I wrote the following script:



IFS=$" " ;

for x in $(cat foo.list) ; do
        srcURI=$(echo $x | awk '{print $1}') ;
        destURI=$(echo $x | awk '{print $2}') ;
        srcCURL=$(curl -s -H "Host: ${host}" -I "qualified.domain.local${srcURI}" |grep "Location:" | tr -d [[:cntrl:]]) ;
        destCURL=$(curl -s -H "Host: ${host}" -I "qualified.domain.local${srcURI}" |grep "301" | tr -d [[:cntrl:]]) ;

        echo " "
        echo " "        
        echo -e "srcURI = ${srcURI}"
        echo -e "destURI = ${destURI}"
        echo -e "srcCURL = ${srcCURL}"
        echo -e "destCURL = ${destCURL}"
        echo -e "Host:DestURI = Location: http://${host}${destURI}"
        echo -e "Host:srcCURL = ${srcCURL}"
        echo " "
        echo " "
#       if [[ ${srcCURL} == "Location: http://${host}${destURI}" ]] ; then
#               echo -e "Good";
#       else
#               echo -e "Bad";
#       fi


I have a file called foo.list that has a list of URIs that I want to check using my for-loop; it looks like this:

/ source / uri / here / dest / uri / here

/ source2 / uri / here / dest2 / uri / here

/ source3 / uri / here / dest3 / uri here

I'm trying to use awk to assign source $ 1 and destination to $ 2, which works if I have 1 uri, but if I have multiple, it seems to split parts of it.

The code looks messy because I have random echoes for debugging purposes.

At the end of the script (which is commented out), I'm trying to compare the redirect destination of the original url to the intended recipient.

Where am I going wrong?


source to share

2 answers

Not sure if I understood everything correctly, but I would try something like this:

while read -r src dst; do
    redir="$( curl -q -s -S -o /dev/null -w '%{redirect_url}' qualified.domain.local"${src}" )"
    if [ $? -eq 0 -a x"$redir" = qualified.domain.local"${dst}" ]; then echo Good; else echo Bad; fi
done <foo.list




Thanks lcd047!

Using what you put I got this:


read -p "Enter the host: " host

while read -r src dst; do
        srcCURL=$(curl -s -H "Host: ${host}" -I "some.domain.local${src}" |grep "Location:" | tr -d [[:cntrl:]]) ;
        dstURL="Location: http://${host}${dst}"

        #echo ${srcCURL}
        #echo ${dstURL}

        if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${srcCURL}" == "${dstURL}" ]; then
                echo -e "[\033[0;32mOK\033[0m]: ${src} \033[0;1mredirects to\033[0m ${dst}";
                echo -e "[\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m]: ${src} does not redirect to ${dst}";
done <foo.list


And it works flawlessly!



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