'ter','link'=>'edin'] ...">

PHP parsing string into array with regex

I have a line like this:



I want to use preg_match_all to convert it to an array that might look like this:

     0 => $msg,
     1 => array('goo','gle'),
     2 => 000,
     3 => "face",
     4 => 'book',
     5 => ['twi'=>'ter','link'=>'edin']


Note that all values ​​are string .

I'm not very good at regex, so I just couldn't create a Template to do this. Multiple calls to preg will also be made.


source to share

2 answers

I suggest using preg_split

with the following regex:

$re = "/([a-z]*(?:\\[[^]]*\\]|\\([^()]*\\)),?)|(?<=,)/"; 
$str = "\$msg,array('goo','gle'),000,\"face\",'book',['twi'=>'ter','link'=>'edin']"; 
print_r(preg_split($re, $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));


Sample program output :

    [0] => $msg,
    [1] => array('goo','gle'),
    [2] => 000,
    [3] => "face",
    [4] => 'book',
    [5] => ['twi'=>'ter','link'=>'edin']




I know you asked for a regex solution, but today I am on eval()


eval('$array = array('.$string.');');



Also note that it is 000

NOT a string and will be converted to 0




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