Combining local processes with remote processes in Julia

I am trying to use remote processes in connection with local processes, but when I do that I get the following output

julia> addprocs(["user@host"], tunnel=true, dir="~/julia-79599ada44/bin/", sshflags=`-p 6969`)
id: cannot find name for group ID 350
1-element Array{Any,1}:

julia> addprocs(23)
fatal error on 2: ERROR: connect: host is unreachable (EHOSTUNREACH)
 in wait at ./task.jl:284
 in wait at ./task.jl:194
 in stream_wait at stream.jl:263
 in wait_connected at stream.jl:301
 in Worker at multi.jl:113
 in anonymous at task.jl:905
fatal error on fatal error on 5: 6: fatal error on fatal error on fatal error on 9: 14: 8: Worker 3 terminated.


I tried to add local processes first, but I get the same errors when I add remote ones.


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