Is Visual Studio Code Coverage deprecated with vNext projects?

Because code coverage tools baked into Visual Studio ( vstest.console.exe

and codecoverage.exe

) analyze binary files, such as files .dll

, and .exe

whether these tools still work with projects vNext (because they do not generate the binaries)?

I am trying to run code coverage in a solution using the vNext class libraries, but the only information I have been able to generate is the xUnit files .dll

, not my projects.


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2 answers

Our team is capable of generating a code coverage file for vNext solutions using OpenCover. This requires a bit of overhead since parsing OpenCover by project is project dependent, so you need to write a script to cycle through projects in your solution, run OpenCover, and then merge the coverage files.

Here is an example of what we do in a script in case someone wants to replicate it:

We iterate over each project and call both the DNX engine and OpenCover to create coverage for that project.

foreach($projectFile in $projectFiles)

    $testPoject = //Path//To//Test//Projects
    if(Test-Path $testPoject)
        _Verbose "$testPoject exists for $project"
        $testCommand = "$OpenCoverUtil -register:user ""-excludebyfile:*\*.gen.cs"" ""-target:$DnxPath\dnx.exe "" ""-targetargs: $testPoject\project.json test"" ""-output:$Outpath\CS\$project.coverage.xml"" -skipautoprops -returntargetcode -filter:""+[$project*]*"""
        _Verbose $testCommand




In a completely new solution that includes

  • ASP.NET 5 Preview Template Blank Project
  • MS Unit Test Project

Test Run -> Code Coverage Analysis - All Tests

USED ​​successfully, but it only shows code coverage for the Unit Test project. Also, as you may have noticed, you cannot add a reference for your vNext project to your Unit Test project, and also that xUnit is the only currently supported project framework test .

I think it's safe to assume that since it stands today, yes, these tools "break" for vNext projects since they don't run away from the runner xunit.runner.dnx


Interestingly, the same documentation states that you can trigger tags xunit.runner.dnx

from a test run of VS, so it seems like this type of problem, at least on their radar.



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