Cannot view generated tables in Object Explorer - Microsoft SQL Management Studio
I am trying to create multiple tables in the database, however the tables are not showing up in the object explorer view.
my code looks like this:
use testDB
create table dbo.teacher (id varchar(5), name varchar(24));
insert into teacher values ('dm112', 'Magro, Deirdre');
insert into teacher values ('je232', 'Elkner, Jeff');
insert into teacher values ('cm147', 'Meyers, Chris');
insert into teacher values ('kr387', 'Reed, Kevin');
create table dbo.course (
number varchar(6),
name varchar(24),
credits int,
teacherid varchar(6)
insert into course values ('SDV100', 'College Success Skills', 1, 'dm112');
insert into course values ('ITD110', 'Web Page Design I', 3, 'je232');
insert into course values ('ITP100', 'Software Design', 3, 'je232');
insert into course values ('ITD132', 'Structured Query Language', 3, 'cm147');
insert into course values ('ITP140', 'Client Side Scripting', 4, 'kr378');
insert into course values ('ITP225', 'Web Scripting Languages', 4, 'kr387');
create table dbo.student (id varchar(3), name varchar(24));
insert into student values ('411', 'Perez, Gustavo');
insert into student values ('412', 'Rucker, Imani');
insert into student values ('413', 'Gonzalez, Alexis');
insert into student values ('414', 'Melgar, Lidia');
create table dbo.enrolled (studentId varchar(3), courseNumber varchar(6));
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'SDV100');
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'ITD132');
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'ITP140');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP100');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP14p');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP225');
insert into enrolled values ('413', 'ITD132');
insert into enrolled values ('413', 'ITP225');
insert into enrolled values ('414', 'SDV100');
insert into enrolled values ('414', 'ITD110');
I looked through this prior to posting and found this exact question:
Create table with T-SQL - unable to see created tables in object explorer
However, it used "tempdb" which I don't know.
I completed the request
select name, type_desc from testDB.sys.objects
which returned:
name type_desc
teacher USER_TABLE
student USER_TABLE
enrolled USER_TABLE
I can change, select, delete, etc. on these tables, but I can't see them. Am I missing something? Another question raised the prospects for "test" and "production"? They didn't go into details and google didn't help me
: (
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Edit: Karl below found a solution! Although Refresh-Click (F5) in Object Explorer does not refresh the database view, right-click the database and click Refresh to refresh the tables.
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