Fast constant depending on another constant

I am trying to create a constant that depends on another, like this:

class Thingy {
 let paddingConstant = 13.0
 let paddingDict = ["padding": paddingConstant]


The bottom line is giving me an error "Thingy.Type does not have a member named 'paddingConstant'"


Is it possible to declare a constant that depends on another?


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5 answers

As another solution, you can use an external structure to define a constant (and any other constants you may need):

struct Constants {
    static let paddingConstant = 13.0


and then use it in the class Thingy


class Thingy {
  let paddingDict = ["padding": Constants.paddingConstant]




Another solution is to declare this variable lazy

. The advantage is that, unlike a computed property, it does not perform a computation every time you retrieve its value; but the disadvantage is that it cannot be persistent, unfortunately:

class Thingy {
    let paddingConstant = 13.0
    lazy var paddingDict : [String:Double] = 
        ["padding": self.paddingConstant]


I regard this limitation as a bug in Swift language.



You can move paddingDict to init:

class Thingy {
    let paddingConstant = 13.0
    let paddingDict : [String: Double]
    init() {
        paddingDict = ["padding": paddingConstant]




You can fill instance constant property a

(at definition time) using the value of another constant property b

if b

defined static


class Thingy {
    static let paddingConstant = 13.0
    let paddingDict = ["padding": paddingConstant]


This is a direct response to the error message I received:

Thingy.Type has no member named "paddingConstant"

Infact, by creating paddingConstant

static it will become Type property

: part Thingy.Type


Hope it helps.



Yes, it is possible. You need to make paddingDict read-only computed property

class Thingy {

    let paddingConstant = 13.0

    var paddingDict : [String : Double] {

        get {return ["padding": paddingConstant] }




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