Python Dictionary / Loop Output

  • Make a dictionary for the nine Tampa Bay bays that are given. Use player names as keys and a list for each value.
  • Each list of values ​​should contain the position the player is playing, the batting order, and the current average. See above.
  • When the dictionary is complete, use a for loop to display the dictionary keys and values. This is what I got for this
  • Next, use a loop to print "lineup" (dictionary in batting order). This is a step I need help with, but not sure how I go about how to order for such a dictionary. The list made more sense to me, but that's not the question.

          rays_players = { 'DeJesus': ['DH', 6, 299],
                     'Loney': ['1B', 4, 222],
                     'Rivera': ['C', 9, 194],
                     'Forsythe': ['2B', 5, 304],
                     'Souza Jr': ['RF', 2, 229],
                     'Longoria': ['3B', 3, 282],
                     'Cabrera': ['SS', 7, 214],
                     'Kiermaier': ['CF', 1, 240],
                     'Guyer': ['LF', 8, 274] }
        for key in rays_players:
            print(key, rays_players[key])

This is what I tried, but it doesn't work, I am very new to this:

for key in sorted(rays_players.items(), key=lambda v: (v)):
    print ("%s: %s" % (key))


Step 4 should look like this:

Batting 1: CF Kiermaier, current average: 240

Batting 2: RF Souza Jr, Current Average: 229

Batting 3: 3B Longoria, current average: 282

Batting 4: 1B Loney, current average: 222

Batting 5: 2B Forsythe, current average: 304

Batting 6: DH DeJesus, Current Average: 299

Batting 7: SS Cabrera Current Average: 214

Batting 8: LF Guyer, current avg: 274

Batting 9: C Rivera Current Average Speed: 194


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1 answer

Hope this helps:

rays_players = {'DeJesus': ['DH', 6, 299],
                'Loney': ['1B', 4, 222],
                'Rivera': ['C', 9, 194],
                'Forsythe': ['2B', 5, 304],
                'Souza Jr': ['RF', 2, 229],
                'Longoria': ['3B', 3, 282],
                'Cabrera': ['SS', 7, 214],
                'Kiermaier': ['CF', 1, 240],
                'Guyer': ['LF', 8, 274]}

for key, value in sorted(rays_players.items(), key=lambda v: v[1][1]):
    print("Batting {}: {} {}, current avg: {}".format(value[1], value[0], key, value[2]))




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