SELECT INTO OUTFILE allowed, but user can write to directory

I have a problem using SELECT INTO OUTFILE

and using a directory other than /tmp


My Linux user has a name datam

, my user is MySQL lea

, and MySQL works like mysql


When it datam

launches mysql -u lea database

and tries to execute SELECT INTO OUTFILE

with path /home/datam/xfers/online/file.csv

, I get error code 13, permission denied. Usage /tmp/file.csv

works, so I'm pretty sure this isn't a permissions issue in MySQL.

I added mysql

to the group datam

and tested it with:

~$ sudo id mysql
uid=106(mysql) gid=114(mysql) groups=114(mysql),1001(datam)


I have it /home/datam/

set as 775 recursively.

If I do sudo -u mysql /bin/bash

and go to /home/datam/xfers/online/

and do touch file

, it writes the file.

What do I need to do so that I mysql

can write the file from SELECT INTO OUTFILE


I believe this is not a duplicate of other questions related to this topic because I have looked at them and followed their instructions (installation is done in all directories leading up to what I want, setting GRANT FILE ON, etc.) ).

MySQL user lea


| Grants for lea@localhost                                                                                  |
| GRANT FILE ON *.* TO 'lea'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*9BB439A3A652A9DAD3718215F77A7AA06108A267' |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `database`.* TO 'lea'@'localhost'                                    |



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3 answers

It could be caused by mysql user permissions.

As stated here

To grant yourself the FILE privilege, do the following:

  • service mysql restart --skip-networking --skip-grant-tables

  • mysql <hit enter>

  • UPDATE mysql.user SET File_priv = 'Y' WHERE user='lea' AND host='localhost';

  • exit

  • service mysql restart

The linux user can write the file. But the mysql service might be blocked by apparmor.

Check out this file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld


Add your project folder there:

/usr/sbin/mysqld {
    /home/datam/xfers/online/ r,
    /home/datam/xfers/online/* rw


Finally, do

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload




On modern systems mariaDB and mysql are installed with systemd support. Among other things, it has this setting in /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service:

Preventing access to / home, / root, and / run / user

ProtectHome = true

What prevents him from writing to / home.



I found that changing the owner of a directory to the same user as the mysql daemon works for me.



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