Jquery get value of checked radio button on load or change

Gets this script, which gets the value of the checked radio button and prints it out in another tag. It works great when you click the radio button, but I figured I needed some of the radio buttons to be checked by default.

How do I change this script so that it also outputs the values ​​of already checked radio buttons on page load?

    var radioValue = $(this).val();
        $(this).closest('section').find('h2 .value').text(radioValue);


Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/tactics/bykf31e6/4/


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1 answer

You can use a selector :checked

to find all checked items :radio

on load, and loop over them to set the value of the associated item .value

. Try the following:

$(":radio:checked").each(function() {
    $(this).closest('section').find('h2 .value').text(this.value);


Sample script

Note that you must use an event change

to bind to radio and checkbox elements to serve those navigating websites using their keyboards. Also, if you remove the check that the radio element has a value (which is redundant, since it should always matter), you can simplify your code:

$("input[type='radio']").change(setText); // when user selects
$(":radio:checked").each(setText); // onload

function setText() {
    $(this).closest('section').find('h2 .value').text(this.value);


Sample script



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