Restangular doesn't work with normal API structures

I am looking into several supporting AngularJS libraries such as UI routes and other stuff. I started with Restangular today(

I feel good with theory, but it adopts its own style of API URLs like the one below that return a response in square brackets ([]).


Full demo:

Plunker demo

We may not always depend on this restangled library, as many of the APIs may not follow such a structure if there is no need to use square brackets.

Ex: FaceBook API, below is an image with API responses that don't have [] at the beginning.

Facebook API

RestangularProvider.setBaseUrl (' ');

My question is, can Restangular be used with any API answers.


source to share

1 answer

yes, regarding the doc here

while method .all(route)

expects response as an array [{}, {}, ..]

response descriptor .one(route, id)

or get()

as an object{"what": "ever"}



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