Is hosting my HTML5 multiplayer game on a free dj hero wreaking havoc on network performance?

I recently created a multiplayer game in HTML5 using TCP based WebSockets protocol for network. I have already taken steps in my code to minimize latency (using interpolation, minimizing the number of messages sent / message size), but I sometimes run into latency and volatility issues, which I believe are due to a combination of packet loss and TCP delivery policy is ok.

To develop - my game sends frequent web chat messages to players to update them at enemy player positions. I believe that if a packet is dropped / delayed, I understand that it will prevent later packets from being received in a timely manner, resulting in enemy players being frozen at the same location, then scaled up to the correct location as soon as the packet delayed finally received.

I confess that my understanding of network / bandwidth / congestion is rather poor. I was wondering if my game runs on one free heroku announcer, which is basically a virtual machine on another virtual server (heroic hero on EC2 instances), might exacerbate this issue. Do dinos heroes and multiplayer servers generally have the worst network congestion due to noisy neighbors or other reasons?


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1 answer

Yes. You are not getting dedicated networking capabilities from Heroku instances. Some of the EC2 instance classes in the VPC may include "Enhanced Networking" to help you achieve high performance.

Ultimately though, the best thing to do before moving on to a new solution is benchmarking. Control what level of bandwidth you can get from the Heroku dinar, then try comparing the Amazon sample to see what the difference is.



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