Invalidation of ORM cache doctrine in rabbitmq-consumer | Symfony2

I have rabbitmq consumer implemented in symfony2 application with oldsound / rabbitmq-bundle The application uses 10 messages at the same time and collects data from mysql-db using doctrine-querybuilder with filters specified in the message data. Cachingsystem is APC. Consider this stripped-down request code

$qb = $this->entityManager
    ->select('sum(this) as this, sum(that) as that')
    ->andWhere('field in (:values)')
    ->setParameter('values', $filterValues);
$result = $qb


This query returns 10 times the same data for different filter values. When the consumer reloads and consumes the next 10 messages, I get a different result again 10 times. I think the doctrine cache is responsible for this and tried to make it invalidate:

$qb = $this->entityManager
    ->select('sum(this) as this, sum(that) as that')
    ->andWhere('field in (:values)')
    ->setParameter('values', $filterValues);
$result = $qb


But without effect. I can work around this behavior by only consuming one message at a time, but that slows down my application to an unacceptable degree.

Can anyone hint me in the right direction?

Thanks, Jojo


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1 answer

It boiled down to a bug in my code. For some reason I thought that the consumer is getting re-intervention after every message is consumed. It is not true! In my query services, I have stored the result of some queries in a property class. Then the code was like this:

if (null === $this->queryResult) {
} else {
    return $this->queryResult


So after the first message was consumed, doQuery () was never executed again until the consumer was restarted. I had to reset the properties of the class after every run and obviously fixed it for me.

Lesson learned: When you make a consumer consume more than one message in a process, remember that the consumer and all services used within the initialization framework only once and persist their state across the consumed messages.

Regards @Francesco Panina for pointing me in the right direction. And please excuse the late answer :)



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