How can I vertically center a string in an NSAttributedString with different fonts?

I have NSAttributedString

which is a "table" using NSTextTab

where the first column is the KEY and the second column is the value

Like this:

|  **KEY 1**|value1|
|**KEY TWO**|value2|


The font for KEYS is a different size / weight + all caps. The lines are aligned so that the bottoms of all letters match. I would like to nudge the values ​​vertically so that they appear vertically centered using KEYS.

Is there a way to do this? This seems highly specialized, but in terms of design I think it will look much better


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1 answer

I haven't tried it, but it looks like you should be using NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName

for this. Here's what the docs say about it:

The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating point value that indicates the off-baseline characters in points. Default value: 0.

So you probably have to figure out the number of dots needed to move the values ​​- I think that would be half the difference in font sizes between keys and values. Then apply NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName

with as many dots to the text for the values.



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