Automatic deployment of UI grouping

Does anyone know how to automatically expand a UI grid that does grouping? I need a grid to open it up and start by expanding it fully.

Their API reference and tutorial is not explicitly explained for understanding.

My HTML div

&lt;div id="grid1" ui-grid="resultsGrid" class="myGrid" ui-grid-grouping&gt;&lt;/div&gt;


My Javascript   

    $scope.resultsGrid = {
      ,columnDefs: [
      { field:'PhoneNum', name:'Phone'},
      { field:'Extension', name:'Extension'},
      { name:'FirstName'},
      { field:'DeptDesc', grouping: {groupPriority: 0}} 
    ,onRegisterApi: function(gridApi)
      $scope.gridApi = gridApi;


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3 answers

you just need to add

//expand all rows when loading the grid, otherwise it will only display the totals only
      $scope.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {


in yours onRegisterApi: function(gridApi)

, which should be updated like this onRegisterApi: function(gridApi)

so that your function is like this

$scope.resultsGrid.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {       
      //set gridApi on scope
      $scope.gridApi = gridApi;

      //expand all rows when loading the grid, otherwise it will only display the totals only
      $scope.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {


or you can add botton for data extension as shown in this plunker



The closest analogy would be a selection tutorial where we select the first row after the data has finished loading:

  .success(function(data) {
    $ = data;
    $timeout(function() {


The main thing is that you cannot select (or expand) data that has not yet been loaded. So you wait for data from $ http to return, then you pass it to the grid and you wait 1 digest cycle for the grid to ingest the data and display it - that's what the $ timeout does. Then you can call the api to fetch (or, in your case, expand) the data.

So, for you there is probably:

  .success(function(data) {
    $ = data;
    $timeout(function() {


If you are on the last volatile, this call will change to $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows




My Module - I had to add ui.gridl.selection

My Controller - Amongh the other Dependency Injected items, I also had to add $timeout
    .controller('myCtrl', function(`$`timeout)){}





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