Mongodb query collection as dynamic

I am storing the object dynamic

in my database, but I would also like to get it as a dynamic object. How can this be done? I tried it like this:

public dynamic GetItemById(ObjectId id)
    dynamic result = Db.GetCollection<dynamic>("Items").Find(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync().Result;
    return result;


But this gives me the following error:

CS1963 Expression tree cannot contain dynamic operation

I know this can be fixed by using a typed object instead of a dynamic one. But I don't want to use any typed objects because this kind defeats the whole purpose of using a NoSQL database like MongoDB (or at least imho).

How can I query my collections using Id

or any other property if using objects dynamic



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1 answer

You can use string based syntax, as the expression has no advantage anyway when used dynamic


var cursor = db.GetCollection<dynamic>("foo").
                Find(Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Eq("_id", someId));




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