What's the best way to set up a test environment in laravel 5?

I'm just getting into Laravel5 with some previous experience with L4. One of the problems I ran into was environment configuration, mainly in terms of testing.

I am trying to connect to a mysqlite database and after a lot of searching, the best I have come up with is to add conditional code to the config file like this:

'default' => $app->environment('testing') ? 'sqlite':'mysql'


And in my phpunit.xml file:

        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
        <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="QUEUE_DRIVER" value="sync"/>


However, now when I try to run my test suite I get the following error:

ReflectionException: Class env does not exist.


At this point, my only option is to create two separate .env files, 'testing' and 'local', renaming them to '.env' as I need them. This is obviously ineffective or portable. Any advice?


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2 answers

I was able to set up a different database connection by setting the env environment variable in the database config.bb.

config / database.php

-    'default' => 'mysql',
+    'default' => env('DB_CONNECTION','mysql'),



<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>




As shown in the doc, when you run phpunit, APP_ENV is by default testing

and is installed at phpunit.xml

( http://laravel.com/docs/testing#introduction ). but lumen don't have any rule to load a config file like .env.testing

or .env.production

for us.

but laravel will provide us with callback


  $app->detectEnvironment(function() use ($app){
       if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../'.'.env.' .getenv('APP_ENV') )) {
           $app->loadEnvironmentFrom('.env.'. getenv('APP_ENV') );


run some command in the "enviroment" section:

APP_ENV=testing artisan serve


then the app will load the config from /.env.testing


if you accept my idea the -env option is invalid. another approach is to add the APP_ENV = testing prefix. I think this is a laravel bug because the DetectEnvironment Closure will not be called when the command is run in cli mode.



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