How to inject property value using @Value into static fields

I have one properties file which is configured with spring property placeholder. This is how it is configured in my spring config file:

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:properties/"/>


Now I need to set its value to a static field using @Value annotation.

private static String outputPath;


How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

The only way is to use a setter for that value

public void setOutputPath(String outputPath) {
    AClass.outputPath = outputPath;


However, you should avoid this. Spring is not designed for static injection. So you have to use a different way of setting this field at the start of your application, eg. constructor. In any case, the @Value annotation uses PropertyPlaceholder springs, which are still resolved after static fields are initialized. Thus, you will not have any advantages for this design.



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