How to receive FullCalendar events from laravel .. controller?

I am working on a complete calendar page for my site. Their documentation doesn't explain much of how to fetch events from a controller url. Now I can add new events to the database .. but those events are not showing in the calendar .. and for the same reason I cannot update or remove events from it.

This is the javascript code on my calendar.php view page.

<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>

$(document).ready(function() {

    var currentMousePos = {
        x: -1,
        y: -1

    jQuery(document).on("mousemove", function (event) {
        currentMousePos.x = event.pageX;
        currentMousePos.y = event.pageY;

    /* initialize the external events

    $('#external-events div.external-event').each(function() {

        // store data so the calendar knows to render an event upon drop
        $(this).data('event', {
            title: $.trim($(this).text()), // use the element text as the event title
            stick: true // maintain when user navigates (see docs on the renderEvent method)

        // make the event draggable using jQuery UI
            zIndex: 1111999,
            revert: true,      // will cause the event to go back to its
            revertDuration: 0  //  original position after the drag


    /* initialize the calendar
    var date = new Date();
    var d = date.getDate();
    var m = date.getMonth();
    var y = date.getFullYear();

    var calendar=$('#calendar');

        header: {
            left: 'prev,next today',
            center: 'title',
            right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
        editable: true,
        droppable: true, // this allows things to be dropped onto the calendar
        drop: function() {
            // is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked?
            if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) {
                // if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list

        eventSources: [


                url: '/v1/calendar/',
                type: 'GET',



        selectable: true,
        selectHelper: true,
        select: function(start, end, allDay) {

            bootbox.prompt("New Event Title:", function(title) {
                var people_id=1;
                //var title=event.title;
                //var start=event.start;
                //var end=event.end;

                if (title !== null) {
                                title: title,
                                start: start,
                                end: end,
                                allDay: allDay

                    true // make the event "stick"


                            var myDate = new Date( start *1000);
                            var startdate=myDate.toLocaleString();
                            var Datetwo = new Date( end *1000);
                            var enddate=Datetwo.toLocaleString();

                                 url: '/v1/calendar',
                                 data: 'people_id='+people_id+'&title='+title+'&start='+startdate+'&end='+enddate,
                                /*data: {  
                                         title: 'title',
                                 type: 'POST',
                                 dataType: 'json',
                                 success: function(response){
                                     bootbox.alert("Event Created!");
                                 error: function(e){



        eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {

            var form = $("<form class='form-inline'><label>Change event name &nbsp;</label></form>");
            form.append("<input class='middle' autocomplete=off type=text value='" + calEvent.title + "' /> ");
            form.append("<button type='submit' class='btn btn-sm btn-success'><i class='icon-ok'></i> Save</button>");

            var div = bootbox.dialog({
                message: form,
                buttons: {
                    "delete": {
                        "label": "<i class='icon-trash'></i> Delete Event",
                        "className": "btn-sm btn-danger",
                        "callback": function() {
                            calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents', function(ev) {
                                //return (ev._id == calEvent._id);
                                    url: '/v1/calendar/'+event.event_id+'/destroy',
                                    data: 'type=remove&eventid=',
                                    type: 'POST',
                                    dataType: 'json',
                                    success: function(response){
                                        if(response.status == 'success')
                                    error: function(e){ 
                                        alert('Error processing your request: '+e.responseText);
                    "close": {
                        "label": "<i class='icon-remove'></i> Close",
                        "className": "btn-sm"


            form.on('submit', function(event) {
                calEvent.title = form.find("input[type=text]").val();
                calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', calEvent);

                //return false;
                    url: '/v1/calendar/'+event.event_id+'/update',
                    //data: 'title='+title+'&eventid='+event.event_id,
                    data: {
                             title: 'title',
                             event_id: 'event_id'
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    success: function(response){    
                        if(response.status == 'success')                            
                    error: function(e){
                        alert('Error processing your request: '+e.responseText);







and this is my CalendarController.php file


class CalendarController extends \BaseController {

 * Display a listing of calendar
 * @return Response
public function index()
    $event = DB::table('events')

    //return View::make('', compact('address'));
    return Response::json($event);

 * Show the form for creating a new calendar
 * @return Response
public function create()
    return View::make('calendar.create');

 * Store a newly created calendar in storage.
 * @return Response
public function store()
    $events= Input::get('type');
    $events= new Events;
    $events->people_id = Input::get('people_id');
    $events->evt_description =Input::get('title');
    $events->date1 =Input::get('start');
    $events->date2 =Input::get('end');
    //$events->time =Input::get('time');

    //$validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Events::$rules);

    /*if ($validator->fails())
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
    return Response::json($events);
    //return Redirect::route('calendar.index');

 * Display the specified calendar.
 * @param  int  $id
 * @return Response
public function show($id)
    $calendar = Calendar::findOrFail($id);

    return View::make('', compact('calendar'));

 * Show the form for editing the specified calendar.
 * @param  int  $id
 * @return Response
public function edit($id)
    $calendar = Calendar::find($id);

    return View::make('calendar.edit', compact('calendar'));

 * Update the specified calendar in storage.
 * @param  int  $id
 * @return Response
public function update($id)
    $event_id= Input::get('event_id');
    $title= Input::get('title');
    $roles = DB::table('events')
                ->where('event_id','=',$event_id )
                ->update(array('evt_description' => $title));

     return Response::json(array('eventid'=>$event_id,'title'=>$title));

    /*$calendar = Calendar::findOrFail($id);

    $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Calendar::$rules);

    if ($validator->fails())
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();


    return Redirect::route('calendar.index');*/


 * Remove the specified calendar from storage.
 * @param  int  $id
 * @return Response
public function destroy()
//  Calendar::destroy($id);
$event_id= Input::get('eventid');

return Response::json($event_id);

//  return Redirect::route('calendar.index');



Please help me here ...


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