Processing live video and still images simultaneously at two different resolutions on an iPhone?

I am working on a video processing application for iPhone using OpenCV.

For performance reasons, I will not process relatively low resolution live video. I am doing object detection on every frame in the video. When objects are in a low resolution frame, I need to get the same frame at a much higher resolution.

I was able to accomplish this with videoDataBufferOutput and stillImageOutput from AVFoundation, but the still image is not the exact frame I want.

Are there any good implementations of this, or ideas on how to implement it?


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1 answer

AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto uses a small video preview (about 1000x700 for the iPhone6) and a high resolution photo (about 3000x2000).

So I am using a modified "CvPhotoCamera" class to handle a little preview and take a full-sized photo. I am posting this code here: / ...



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