Ionic Phone app. Set an alarm that will choose to restart. Open app when an alarm is triggered

I am new to Ionic and am building an alarm clock app.

How to set up an alarm and restart it?
How does an alarm activate an app for a specific ui state?

I found this one but it has this problem

It looked promising, but I didn't see the alarm function.

These two Cordova Plugins looked promising, but they don't support IOS.

What's the best strategy? Thank!


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1 answer

There is no way in iOS to open an app in non-blue mode unless the user has manually executed it (or invoked it from another app). -If you are creating a jailbreak app
The closest thing you can do is set Local Notification to pop up at the time your alarm should go off. This will trigger a Push-like Notification that needs to be reloaded. Once it appears, if the user decides to click on it, it will open your app.



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