Can't focus input in AngularJS

I am trying to focus an input field with AngularJS. I created a custom directive for this, but for some reason it doesn't work on a specific input field.

This is my "focus" directive:

angular.module('app.ui.input').directive('ooFocus', function()
    return {
        scope : {
            trigger : '=ooFocus'
        restrict : 'A',
        link : function(scope, element, attrs)
            scope.$watch('trigger', function(value)
                    console.log('this will be printed');


And this is how it looks when applied to an input field:

<input placeholder="Company name" type="text" ng-model="" ng-blur="hide()" oo-focus="show" required>


The form containing the input field is hidden and displayed when show

set to true. show

is passed to the directive oo-focus

and I can see that the directive prints this will be printed

to the console if the parameter is show

set to true, but for some reason the input is not focused.


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2 answers

You cannot focus what is hidden, it is that simple. Therefore, you must be sure that yours is input

displayed before trying to focus it.

The problem is that usually you don't work with css

directly, which immediately shows the element. Usually you use a directive like ng-show

or ng-if

, and you can't even be sure that they evaluate to before ooFocus


Using $timeout

focus for delay is a good solution for this situation.



I have one job for this. Try using $ timeout inside a directive like

.directive('ooFocus',function($timeout) {
return {
    scope : {
        trigger : '=ooFocus'
    restrict : 'A',
    link : function(scope, element) {

        scope.$watch('trigger', function(value) {
          if (value) {
            $timeout(function() {





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