How to maintain polymorphism with RESTeasy proxy?

suppose this JAX-RS method:

public Employee get(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
     return myService.findbyId(id);


With the following POJO:

public class Employee {
    Integer id;
    String name;  (getters;setters etc...)
public class SepcialEmployee extends Employee  {
     Skill skill;  (getters;setters etc...)
public class Manager extends Employee {
    String headOffice;   (getters;setters etc...)


This works great with RESTeasy / spring-MVC integration. And if I call the method from the web browser; I can get the following response, for example:

<employee Id="17">


But if I use RESTeasy Client Framework for my unit test. client proxy generates unmarsalles only Employee Parent class and I am losing information about it (Manager.headOffice or SepcialEmployee.Skill) . Below is an excerpt from my Junit test:

public class Test {

 public interface EmpProxy {

     Employee getEmployee(@ClientURI String uri);

 private static TJWSEmbeddedSpringMVCServer server;
 public static final String host = "http://localhost:8080/";
 public static final int port = 8080;
 private static EmpProxy proxy;

 public static void setup() {
     server = new TJWSEmbeddedSpringMVCServer("classpath:test-dispatcher-servlet.xml", port);
     ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
     ResteasyWebTarget target =;
     proxy = target.proxy(EmpProxy.class);  

 public void test(){
    String url = host+"/empl/17";
    Employee employee = proxy.getEmployee(url);



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