Yii 2.0 Loading css and js in renderPartial
How can I load css and javascript files if I create the page using renderPartial ()? The problem is I need my mobile mobility. This doesn't seem to be a problem when I use render ()
I tried including boostpage css and js on my page but it still didn't work.
I have included css and js in my page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/css/bootstrap.min.css')?> ">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/css/sb-admin.css')?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/css/site.css')?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/css/jquery-ui.css')?>">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/js/jquery.js')?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= Yii::getAlias('@web/js/bootstrap.min.js')?>"></script>
And in my controller:
return $this->renderPartial('create', [
'model' => $model,
What am I missing?
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You are looking for \yii\web\view::renderAjax()
:) This includes javascript and css, but does not include layout (and hence acts like a partial render).
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use renderAjax () instead of renderPartial () ... it works
different between renderPartial () and renderAjax () - renderAjax () also load js and css (asset bundle and its dependency) without layout, and renderPartial () does not load css and js as well as layout .. :)
you can use
return $this->renderAjax('_document', [
'model' => $model,//$this->findModel($id),
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If you are using renderAjax, and if you know that you do not need to load jQuery and / or JUI into a view file, just end with:
so the renderAjax method only loads the remaining assets.
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Use renderJsFile and renderCssFile
['depends' => [\yii\web\JqueryAsset::className()]]
$this->registerCssFile("@web/css/themes/black-and-white.css", [
'depends' => [\yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset::className()],
'media' => 'print',
], 'css-print-theme');
A simple change depends on what you need. Here is the complete documentation link
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