What does window.performance.getEntries () mean?

I thought it window.performance.getEntries()

would match the number of requests according to Chromium's 'Network' tab, but that doesn't seem to be the case: http://i.stack.imgur.com/OfKtH.png . What am I missing?

[screenshot showing mismatch]


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2 answers

If your page has multiple redirects, the network tab shows everything, while the performance settings only show the resources from the last / current document. Also the number of records does not include your HTML / document counter in which the net counts.

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In my case, some requests were missing, which happened after the page finished loading. On the Network tab, window.performance.getEntries()

all requests, but window.performance.getEntries()

only those who responded to the original page call (and not subsequent page actions). I believe performance.getEntries()

and Resource Timing API relate only to the initial construction of the page.



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