CodeContracts falsely denotes a missing precondition already in the base constructor

Let's say I have the following class hierarchy:

public class FooBase
    private readonly object _obj;

    protected FooBase(object obj)
        Contract.Requires(obj != null);
        _obj = obj;

public class Foo : FooBase
    public Foo(object obj) : base(obj)


When I compile I get the following CodeContracts error for Foo


Error   12  CodeContracts: Missing precondition in an externally visible method. Consider adding Contract.Requires(obj != null); for parameter validation


Is there a way to get CodeContracts to recognize that validation is already happening in the base class?


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1 answer

Unfortunately no. Your Foo calls FooBase (obj) unnecessarily.

public class FooBase
    private readonly object _obj;

    protected FooBase(object obj)
        Contract.Requires(obj != null);
        _obj = obj;

public class Foo : FooBase
    public Foo(object obj) : base(obj)
        Contract.Requires(obj != null);


will be the only way to fix this problem.



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