Problem reading multiple images from a folder in Matlab

I have a set of images located in a folder and I am trying to read these images and store their names in a text file. Where the order of images is very important.

My code:

imagefiles = dir('*jpg');
nfiles = length(imagefiles);    % Number of files found
for ii=1:nfiles
    currentfilename = imagefiles(ii).name;
    % write the name in txt file


Images saved in the folder in the following order: {1,2,3,4,100,110}


The problem is that Matlab reads and writes a sequence of images as { 1,100,110,2,3,4}

. This is not the correct order.

How can this be overcome?


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1 answer

I would suggest using scanf

to find the file number. To do this, you need to create a format specification that shows how your filename is generated. If this number is, then .jpg

, it would be: '%d.jpg'

. You can call sscanf

(scan string) on name

files with cellfun


imagefiles = dir('*jpg');
fileNo = cellfun(@(x)sscanf(x,'%d.jpg'),{imagefiles(:).name});


Then you sort fileNo

, store the indices of the sorted array, and loop through those indices in a for-loop:

[~,ind] = sort(fileNo);
for ii=ind
    currentfilename = imagefiles(ii).name;
    % write the name in txt file




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