Metadata Components! = Number of assignment bands. Railo error when using cfimage

I am trying to create static maps in Railo (coldfusion) using the following:

<cfimage action = "write" destination = "#request.DataRoot#\map\#pickuppoint_Code#.jpeg" source = ",#Longitude#"  quality = "1" overwrite = "yes">


After creating almost 250 maps, it generates the following error:

Railo Error (javax.imageio.IIOException)
Message     Metadata components != number of destination bands
Cause   javax.imageio.IIOException
Stacktrace  The Error Occurred in
C:\Web\wi_vigicolis.loc\Process\Task\Map\index.cfm: line 7

    5: <cfinclude template="qry_item.cfm">
    6: <cfloop query="GetPickuPointList">
    7: <cfimage action = "write" destination = "#request.DataRoot#\map\#pickuppoint_Code#.jpeg" source = ",#Longitude#" quality = "1" overwrite = "yes">


I tried to add an API key, but that didn't solve the problem. I tried to execute the same code from another server, it also generates almost 250 cards just before generating the same error

Is this a limitation or a problem with Railo?

(I am fetching latitude and longitude data from a database (sql server). I need to create 8000 maps).



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