Docker support for Windows?

I find it difficult to find information on this. I saw news somewhere that Docker is now natively built into Windows. Apparently, this means that they are not a "Linux container", but some kind of "Windows containers"? Does anyone have more information on this?


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4 answers

I read:

As you can read, there is only an interface for managing docker containers on Linux so far.



The significant upgrade came from many Docker acquisitions such as Unikernel . You can now install the beta (as of April '16) of a Windows program running with Docker without any problems.

Faster and more reliable: more VirtualBox! The Docker engine runs on the Alpine Linux distribution on top of the xhyve virtual machine on Mac OS X or the Hyper-V virtual machine on Windows, and this virtual machine is managed by the Docker application.

UPDATE (Sep '17)

Full native support is available here .

An integrated, easy-to-deploy development environment for building, debugging, and testing Docker applications on a Windows PC. Docker for Windows is a native Windows application deeply integrated with Hyper-V virtualization, networking and file system, making it the fastest and most reliable Docker environment for Windows.



Microsoft has added containerization primitives to the Windows kernel and is helping to port the Docker Engine to Windows. This means that you can run your own Windows containers using Docker on Windows Server 2016. This was a live preview and you can try. Details here:



It is currently (October 2016) a mess. Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 build 1607 (Anniversary Update) support Docker containers natively. Obviously only with Windows as base images. Moreover, only with Windows Server 2016 (Nano or Core).

But there is also Docker for Windows - this is the only suggested option at . You might easily think that Docker is the one that runs natively on Windows. But this is not the case! Docker for Windows uses a Linux virtual machine to host all containers. This way you cannot pull Windows images.

So trying to pull the image will fail with the "unknown blog" error:

C:\>docker pull microsoft/nanoserver Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from microsoft/nanoserver 5496abde368a: Retrying in 1 second 94b4ce7ac4c7: Downloading unknown blob

So Docker for Windows can only be used for Linux images!
How obvious is that right?

For "real native Docker" (to run a Windows container), we currently download and install it manually as described in this tutorial -



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