Entity Framework method not found; release version?

I am working on a system created by another developer. When I run the project, the following error appears at runtime. Is this an Entity Framework method? Is it from a specific version? I am not sure how to trace the source of this error.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.EntityTypeConfiguration`1.ToTable (System.String)'.


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3 answers

What I have seen in the past are different projects in the solution referencing different versions of EF. I would go through each project and make sure they link to the same version of EF. Or just right click on Solution -> Manage NuGet Packages -> Updates -> Entity Framework and this will update all projects to the latest EFs.



The method EntityTypeConfiguration<T>.ToTable(String)

is new in Entity Framework 5, which is the first version of EF to be decoupled from the rest of the .NET Framework.

Your project / solution is probably referencing the Entity Framework built into the .NET Framework, which will be version 4. Make sure you include the correct EF binaries.



Will have to restart Visual Studio in my case.



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